How Do I Send Messages With Swell?

Want to send messages using quick send or other tools? Here’s how


Basic Message Send

From your Swell dashboard:

  1. Select “Message” on the left menu
  2. Press the big pink “+” button on the bottom left
  3. Enter a contact name or number
  4. Add images, text, etc, and send it! Consider starting out with an appointment reminder, payment request, or review request.

Quick Message 

Using a templated message? Try this. 

From your Swell dashboard:

  1. Select “Quick Send” from the top right corner 
  2. Choose the contact or contacts you’d like to receive the message, or create a new contact
  3. Select the location you’re sending the message from 
  4. Select the message template you’d like to use
  5. Send it! 


Basic Message Send 

From your Swell dashboard:

  1. Select “Message” from the bottom menu
  2. Press the big pink “+” button on the bottom left
  3. Enter a contact name or number
  4. Add images, text, etc, and send it! Consider starting out with an appointment reminder, payment request, or review request.

Quick Message 

Using a templated message? Try this. 

From your Swell dashboard:

  1. Select “Quick Send” from the bottom menu
  2. In the search bar, enter the contact or contacts you’d like to receive the message, or create a new contact
  3. Select the message template you’d like to use
  4. Send it!