Creating a Campaign Template

A step-by-step guide on creating a new campaign or sequence template, or updating an existing one.

  1. Create a new Campaign Template: Navigate to Campaign > New Campaign.
  2. Campaign Name: input a name for your template at the top
  3. Select Locations: Choose the location(s) this campaign will be available for.
  4. Next, you'll need to decide if you want to send the campaign as a single message or as multiple delayed messages that will go out in a sequence.
  5. Choose the message type: Under "Steps," select the type of message you would like to send. This can be either SMS (text message), Email, or you can select another template, such as a review invite.
  6. Add or Update Message Content: Add the text you want to include in the message body.Screenshot 2024-07-17 at 3.36.21 PM
  7. Add an Image (Optional): If desired, you can add an image by dragging it into the "Image" box or clicking to select the image file.
  8. Add Follow-Up Messages (Optional): To add follow-up messages, click Add Step, and set the number of days you want to delay the message from the start of the campaign.
    • If the delay is set to 0, the message will be sent immediately.
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  9. Click Save Campaign to finish. 
  10. Send your Campaign: Follow the steps in this article to send your campaign message.