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Patient Experience Management—Frequently Asked Questions

What question types are supported?
  • NPS: Net Promoter Score™ question, plus an optional open-response follow-up question.

  • Multiple Choice: recipients select one of several options.
  • Checkboxes: recipients select all options that apply.
  • Short Response: recipient provides a short open-ended text response.
  • Paragraph: recipient provides an open-ended text response, with sufficient room to encourage multiple sentences.

Can I export survey data? 

Yes! You can export the raw response data from any Survey under the Participants tab. For full instructions, please see Export Patient Experience Survey Data.

Can I send surveys using automations? 

Yes, Patient Experience surveys are fully functional message templates, which means you can send them using automations that leverage an integration with your EHR, PMS, and other systems of record. Please see Create Message Automations for more details.

What is a good Net Promoter Score? 

If you’re unfamiliar with Net Promoter Score, head here for an explainer. 

Net Promoter Scores range from -100 to 100. Any score over zero means you have more promoters than detractors, which is cause to celebrate. However, what qualifies as “good” depends on a few factors: 

  • Your benchmark. Once you’ve collected a significant amount of surveys, you’ll know where you stand currently. Unless you’ve got a perfect 100, you likely have room to improve. 
  • Your industry. The average NPS score can vary widely by industry. For example, the average NPS for financial services is around 30, while certain healthcare specialties average as high as 50. Take the time to do some research on what is common for your industry. 

If you can’t find data specific to your industry, you can utilize this general guidance: 




Needs improvement








World class

How do I send a survey over text message?

First, ensure that text message delivery is enabled under the survey's Invitation settings (either "Send text and email" or "Send text only").

If you are sending text messages to U.S. phone numbers, you must also have a complete TCR registration for your company (you can read more here).

Once these configurations are in place, you can send your survey using the Quick Send feature, by bulk sending from a group of selected contacts, or by setting up an automation.

How do I send a survey via email? 

First, ensure that email message delivery is enabled under the survey's Invitation settings (either "Send text and email" or "Send email only"). You can also optionally customize the reply-to email address, "From" name, Subject line, and Body of the email.

Once these configurations are in place, you can send your survey using the Quick Send feature, by bulk sending from a group of selected contacts, or by setting up an automation.

How do I balance gathering survey feedback and reviews?

It's wise to be thoughtful about how frequently you ask patients or clients for feedback. Swell provides several options to balance gathering public reviews and survey feedback.

Option 1: Enabled review request in the survey completion screen

Under your survey's Completion Page settings, you can enable the option Ask to leave a public review. When enabled, a link will be displayed at the end of your survey that allows the respondent to leave a public review of your business. This option is effective because recipients do not need to receive a separate text message, and may feel more invested in their feedback by the time they complete the survey.

Option 2: Use a multi-stage campaign to stagger requests

Within the Campaign module, you can configure a campaign that begins with one template (for example, a request for a public review) and then sends a second template after a defined delay, such as 7 days later.

Option 3: Create separate automations for reviews & surveys

For more nuanced use-cases, you might create one automation to request reviews of your business and a separate one to request survey feedback. Depending on your integration, these can be triggered off very detailed events and conditions, which can be helpful if you want to gather targeted feedback from a specific group of people or at a specific moment in the patient journey (e.g. after a consultation vs. after a procedure).