Release Notes

Recent updates to the Swell platform and integrations.

Sep 2024

  • AI Insights for Employee Pulse identify key themes and sentiment from employee's open response Employee Pulse comments. Admins can filter comments by theme and sentiment to explore trending feedback in depth.
    Screenshot 2024-10-11 at 12.50.42 PM
  • A new Employee Experience Insights dashboard is now available to EXI customers in the Insights module, providing a top-level executive summary across employee pulse results and public employer reputation performance.

Screenshot 2024-10-07 at 10.59.53 AM

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements, including an issue that prevented some users from getting email notifications about negative reviews and an issue that would cause some NPS responses to be duplicated in reports.

August 2024

  • Automated review responses can now be managed at an enterprise or brand level. This gives greater flexibility to multi-brand accounts that wish to decentralize their automation strategies. Automated reviews can also be applied to selectively to certain locations. Learn more in our KB article, Automatically Respond to Public Reviews.

Settings to include or exclude locations from automated review responses

  • Updated reviews are now tracked as an additional layer in Insights reports when synced via the Google My Business (GMB) integration. Updated reviews show successful engagement with long-standing clients and help keep a brand's public reputation fresh and representative of the client experience. Similarly, Google reviews synced from GMB will now jump to the top of the recent reviews list when updated.

A chart showing updated reviews stacked on top of new reviews

  • Employee Insights (currently in beta preview) has received many enhancements, including syncing Glassdoor and Indeed reviews, dynamic survey follow-up questions, and faster reports.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements, including fixes for syncing Yelp and Healthgrades reviews and addressing an issue where certain invites would remain scheduled instead of sending.

July 2024

  • Employee Insights  is now available in beta.  Employee Insights is a turnkey employee feedback solution designed to give you the insights you need to hire and retain the best people across your organization. Interested in joining? Please contact your Client Success manager or reach us at . 
    • Get insights on how to retain your best people with Pulse Surveys. Automatically gather timely insights as employees weigh in anonymously on critical issues like communication, career development, and relationships with managers and peers.


    • Make a better first impression on job candidates with Employer Reputation Monitoring. See an aggregated view of your reviews on employment sites like Glassdoor and Indeed to track strengths and opportunities for improvement.

  • Due to regulatory changes, new sending limits have been applied to legacy accounts that registered their SMS communication brand prior to June 2023. Customers' normal daily sending limits can be restored by providing additional documentation about how recipient opt-in is obtained. Please see our help article for additional information.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements, including improving report labels, resolving a bug that caused location logo images to be removed unintentionally, and fixing an issue affecting report preferences designated via the Bulk Users Import API.

June 2024

Screenshot 2024-07-08 at 4.27.03 PM

  • Multiple provider data sources are now supported in our NexHealth integration, which helps streamline automations in cases where providers may be linked to several practices or office locations.
  • Automatic warning email notifications can be triggered when a newly received review has a score of 3 stars or lower. This is especially helpful for teams who specialize in responding to negative feedback, and for stakeholders who oversee a large number of locations or brands.

Screenshot 2024-06-07 at 10.59.59 AM

  • Bug fixes and enhancements, including correcting a problem where certain users could not be assigned to conversations and improvements to Swell's SMS compliance onboarding tools.

May 2024

  • New survey templates are available for Patient Experience Management, including:
    • General Patient Satisfaction
    • Satisfaction with Provider
    • Procedure Perceived Value

Screenshot 2024-06-25 at 12.55.28 PM

  • Quick actions and bulk actions have been added to Message Inbox, allowing you to quickly resolve, move, assign, flag and mark messages read/unread.


  • Facebook messages can now be managed directly in your Message Inbox alongside SMS conversations, web chats, and schedule requests. Please see our guides Connecting Your Facebook Account and Message Inbox Overview for more details.
  • App Launchers are now available for organizations that require federated identity (Microsoft, Google login) for their users. Your IT administrator can add a Swell icon to your corporate app menu that allows users to launch Swell using their existing login session.
  • Bug fixes and enhancements, include inverse logic ("all except") for some automations conditions and improved handling of large numbers of FB page connections.

April 2024

  • The new Message Inbox experience has completed beta testing with thanks to our early access customer group! The improved experience will be rolled out to all customers over the course of May 2024. Check out our Message Inbox Overview article for details.


  • Nextech is now supported as a direct integration with Swell, offering turnkey automation for reputation and patient experience management to specialists in eye care, dermatology, orthopedics, and more.
  • Bug fixes and performance improvements, including improved options for manually contacting unenrolled contacts, resolving an issue with Schedule Request links, and simplified onboarding communications for users associated with many brands.

March 2024

  • Message Inbox upgrades are available in early access beta. These updates bring significantly improved speed and powerful new features to Swell's core messaging tools, especially for organizations with a large volume of conversations. Highlights include a single unified inbox for all your brands, custom folders, and better context for key customer events like completing surveys and leaving reviews. Learn more in our Message Upgrade blog post, and reach out if you'd like to request early access!
  • Cloud 9 is now supported as a direct integration with Swell, offering increased reliability , visibility, and customization to automate the process of gathering feedback.

Screenshot 2024-04-12 at 4.59.16 PM

  • Team Chat has reached its end-of-support period as of March 31, 2024. Please contact our Support team with any questions or concerns.
  • Bug fixes and performance enhancements, including many performance and usability upgrades to the core Message Inbox experience, increased flexibility when creating an account using a federated login provider, and improving the way timezone information is managed for brands and locations.

February 2024

    • Federated login via Microsoft and Google is now available for new users. These new login options offer greater convenience and control for user access. Enterprise users can also configure their account to require a specific login type, which can be combined with Microsoft or Google policies to enforce a two-factor authentication (2FA) security policy. Learn more in our article on federated identity.


    • Bug fixes and performance enhancements, including correcting an issue with saving surveys with a large number of questions, several bug fixes related to integration data, and improvements to our core messaging infrastructure.

    January 2024

    • Review response automations are now available in an early access beta. Customers can build simple, powerful rules for responding to reviews according to the score they received. Learn more in our guide, Automatically Respond to Reviews.

    Screenshot 2024-02-28 at 1.34.25 PM

    • Email authentication updates have been applied automatically in response to new, stricter requirements for delivery to Gmail and Yahoo inboxes. No action is required on the part of Swell's customers. Learn more in our email update article.
    • Bug fixes and performance enhancements, including a resolution for certain numbers that could not send multimedia attachments, question duplication in Patient Experience surveys, and an issue with customization using a contact's name.

    December 2023

    • Videos and other file attachments can now be shared as downloadable links in SMS messages and Message templates within the Message module. Learn more in the file attachments guide.


    • NPS results grouped by provider. Enterprise users of Patient Experience (PX) have a new report that automatically categorizes NPS results by provider using appointment data from their EHR/PMS. Learn more in our NPS by Provider guide.
    • Dolphin Cloud and Dolphin Management are now supported as direct integrations in Swell. Organizations running Dolphin can enjoy our most advanced integration capabilities with a connection that takes only a few minutes to configure.
    • Various bug fixes and improvements, including improvements to the Recent Invites report for scheduled invites, linking Patient Experience survey results from the Message conversation module, and making the Enterprise Health report available in the main Swell platform.

    November 2023

    • Multiple Reporting Groups can now be used simultaneously for filtering Enterprise reports in a fine-grained way. Please see the Reporting Groups guide for more details.
    • Enterprise reports are now available directly in the main Swell platform via the Insights tab. These reports answer questions about online reputation, performance, patient experience feedback, integration health, and more.
      Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 2.48.42 PM
    • Custom daily hours of operation are now supported for Webchat and Webchat Groups. This allows offices to configure out-of-office replies tailored to their unique daily schedule, including admin time and lunch breaks. Learn more in our Webchat Settings guide.
      Screenshot 2023-12-08 at 3.32.04 PM
    • NexHealth integrations support multiple brand mappings. Customers who integrate via NexHealth now have more flexibility in mapping their data to multiple brands for messaging purposes.
    • Various bug fixes and improvements, including better default values for review templates, a new optional status field for the Events API, and integration configuration constraints that help prevent mistakes.

    October 2023

    • An NPS Leaderboard report is now available for Enterprise users to easily compare information flow and results across locations.
    • The Automation setup workflow now includes improved constraints that help prevent accidental misconfigurations.
    • Direct integration with Dolphin Management (via cloud or local server) is now available in open beta. Please contact your Client Success Manager if you're interested!
    • Various bug fixes and performance improvements, including compatibility for newer version of Android, simplified organization for the Settings menu, and bug fixes related to global filters and an issue with bulk uploading contacts via CSV.

    September 2023

    • Reporting groups allow Enterprise users to define custom criteria for filtering enterprise-level reports, such as region or specialty. (Read more about reporting groups here).
    • NPS type questions are more flexible and can now be incorporated into any Patient Experience survey.
    • Patient Experience surveys delivered via email can now optionally include the first question in the email body (for NPS and multiple-choice questions), which enhances response rates.
    • Various bug fixes and performance improvements, including faster load times for the Message module, improved permission controls for integration management, and improved deliverability for Canada-based phone numbers.

    August 2023

    • Conditions for Events API. Customers integrating directly via the events API can now filter by specific conditions when configuring messaging automations.
    • Open response questions for Patient Experience. Patient Experience Management surveys now support short- and long-form open response question types.
    • Registration retries. Customers registering their business for A2P compliance with The Campaign Registry (TCR) via the Swell onboarding wizard can now retry if their registration submission is rejected by TCR.
    • Various bug fixes and performance improvements, including improved condition options  sync for legacy NexHealth connections, deep linking enabled for some parts of the platform, and improved Google My Business attribution for reviews.

    July 2023

    • Direct integration support. Our integration platform now supports direct integration for customers who wish to build a custom connection via our Events API.
    • Enhanced A2P onboarding. The Swell onboarding experience has been updated to guide customers through the process of documenting detailed consent workflows as required for A2P SMS messaging with The Campaign Registry (TCR).
    • Customizable completion screens for NPS/Survey templates within Patient Experience.
    • Various bug fixes, including improved data accuracy when syncing appointments via integration and better handling of invite cooldown rules that prioritize the most recent appointment.

    June 2023

    • Our new Patient Experience module is now available in beta. Patient Experience empowers teams to gather highly targeted custom feedback with industry-leading response rates. Please contact us if you’d like to participate!
    • Swell Pay has been retired. Payments can no longer be received via the Swell Pay as of June 30, 2023. (Please see our deprecation notice for more information and alternative options).
    • Various bug fixes and enhancements related to EHR integrations and the Swell Platform.

    May 2023

    Features and Improvements:

    • Improved handling of appointment cancellation with respect to scheduled messages.
    • Improved messaging around location connection requirements for Google reviews.

    Bug fixes:

    • Corrected a bug that could cause multiple invites to go to the same recipient.
    • Corrected an issue where follow-up messages could not be saved in review templates.

    April 2023

    Features and Improvements:

    • Improved user experience for Google My Business sync tools.
    • Improved email notification when users receive a new review.
    • Added support for campaign templates to be sent via automations.

    Bug fixes:

    • Corrected an issue related to managing admin users at the Location and Team levels.
    • Corrected an error that could occur when syncing contacts.

    March 2023

    Features and Improvements:

    • Improvements to the global filters user experience.
    • Introduced automatic syncing of NexHealth automation conditions.

    Bug fixes:

    • Corrected an issue related to the reliability of Zapier integrations.

    February 2023

    Features and Improvements:

    • Many foundational updates to the core platform to improve reliability and performance.
    • Made NexHealth automation conditions searchable.

    Bug fixes:

    • Corrected an issue processing webhook events from Modento with a certain status.
    • Corrected an issue related to TCR registration for customers whose consent gather process is “Other.”

    January 2023

    Features and Improvements:

    • Registration wizard for existing customers to enable them to self-serve TCR campaign registration.
    • Prevent users from uploading images that are too big to be sent via MMS.

    Bug fixes:

    • Corrected an issue related to migrated automation configurations.

    December 2022

    Features and Improvements:

    • Proactively alert Agency admins of new teams that require business registration.
    • Improved controls around managing location mappings and their impacts on live automations.
    • New dashboard tiles for Reviews Overview and Top Review Sources.

    Bug fixes:

    • Corrected various issues related to Recent Invites, including sorting, status, and performance.

    November 2022

    Features and Improvements:

    • Onboarding and status information related to Twilio registration, including the new Low Volume Standard profile applicable to most customers.
    • Added functionality to delete automations.
    • Added functionality to stop campaigns that are in progress, canceling scheduled messages.

    Bug fixes:

    • Corrected an issue where campaign steps were presented in the wrong order.
    • Corrected various UI issues.

    October 2022

    Features and Improvements:

    • Improved mobile responsiveness for review experiences.
    • UX improvements for bulk delete.
    • Enhancements to NexHealth integration to sync location data.
    • Status tracking and other enhancements for Recent Invites.

    Bug fixes:

    • Corrected a filtering issue for All Contacts viewed by Location admins.

    September 28, 2022

    Adjusted default review invite message to fit it into a single message segment when applicable.

    September 6, 2022

    Features and Improvements:

    • Extended sync time based on “completed_at” for Qfloors to 30 days.

    Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed issue where case-sensitivity was blocking some users from logging in.
    • Improved user-visible error message when trying to log in without a password.

    August 29, 2022

    Features and Improvements:

    • Users can now make the Invite Period 0 (zero) days. This is not the default value, and is not recommended as a general practice, but it can help facilitate advanced use cases related to automating sequences of invitations.

    August 10, 2022

    Features and Improvements:

    • Improved performance in the Message page.

    July 26, 2022

    Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed a bug preventing users from uploading JPEG and some PNG images (in messages, templates, etc.).

    July 22, 2022

    Bug Fixes:

    • On iOS, version 0.6.1 corrected an issue where broken "note" option in Message prevent ed users from mistakenly sending messages to contacts.

    April 13, 2022

    Features and Improvements:

    • Wherewolf integration allows filtering by event scheduled date instead of booking date.

    Various bug fixes.

    January 13, 2021

    Features and Improvements:

    • Updated leaderboard that allows users to filter by star rating and date range, as well as sort by number of invites, reviews, and average rating.

    January 6, 2022

    Bug Fixes:

    • iOS (version 1.2.51) fixed an issue where the app would crash when uploading an image in Swell Message.


    20, 2021

    Features and Improvements:

    • iOS users can now use the override feature when sending a template within the Invite Period or Review Period configured in their company settings.

    Bug Fixes:

    • On iOS, corrected inaccurate success messages when sending through quick send.


    16, 2021

    Features and Improvements:

    • Added tooltip when hovering over a location in global filter (profile menu) so users can differentiate between locations that have the same first few words in their names.

    Bug Fixes:

    • Fixed issue where list of users in some companies didn't show any active users.

    December 15, 2021

    Features and Improvements:

    • Improved layout for top navigation bar.
    • New profile menu where users can navigate through a few settings, switch through companies, and filter through locations.
    • Improved responsiveness in the All Contacts page.
    • Improved location filtering experience so users can easily toggle what information they want to see.
    • Added ability for users to search through a company's location in the profile menu so that users can easily find specific locations to filter by.

    Bug Fixes:

    • Corrected errors related to global filtering data and statistics.
    • Corrected time zone and reliability issues with "send later" in the All Contacts page.

    November 22, 2021

    Various bug fixes, including:

    • Resolving an issue with Google login for Safari users.
    • Team Chat data integrity, stability, and pagination.

    November 16, 2021

    • Contacts API now enables searching for phone numbers in a variety of formats.
    • New contact uploader.
    • Made changes to notifications flow so that Owners, Company Admins, and Location Admins receive notifications for incoming messages even if they're not directly assigned to them. There are no changes to the notifications flow for Location Users
    • Various bug fixes.

    November 11, 2021

    New Features and Improvements:

    • All users are required to agree with updated Terms and Conditions & EULA for Swell upon login.
    • New look for messages in a conversation (Swell Message).
    • Renamed the unenroll feature (previously “block”) that allows users to prevent automated messages from being sent to a specific contact. This feature is found in the People module, which is different from the blocking feature in Swell Message.
    • Users can now mark all conversations in Swell Message as read at once.
    • The template selection options in a conversation now have the template name underneath the icon for better usability.
    • The first user to respond to a new incoming message now gets assigned to that conversation automatically.
    • Incoming events (i.e. review completed, payment completed, etc.) now has a new look that will help users differentiate them from an actual incoming message from a customer.

    November 3, 2021

    We have released three new integrations:

    • CareStack
    • Modento
    • HouseCall Pro

    Product enhancement:

    • The embeddable review widget can now be configured to only show reviews with a certain number of stars.

    Various bug fixes.